- What trading platform is the (Equiti) account offerred on?
- How many additional (Equiti) accounts can I have?
- What is the leverage on my (Equiti) Account ?
- What is the stop-out level on my (Equiti) Account?
- What are the difference between the accounts?
- Do you offer swap free accounts?
Swapfree accounts
- When the new Swap Free terms start, will I be back-charged the Administration Fee for the position I’ve had open for over a month?
- Can I trade symbols that are not shown in the list of Swap Free symbols? Will I be charged/paid swaps on those symbols?
- Is the Administration Fee a swap?
- Will the Administration Fee change?
- On a Wednesday you charge 3x the Administration Fee and you count Wednesday as 3 days for the ‘grace period’. What does that mean?
- If I have hedged my positions and my net position is flat (e.g. I’m long 10 lots and short 10 lots), will I be charged the Administration Fee?